The Trumpets
I make 3 different trumpets, a 3 piece "Jordan style" Yelper and a Cane Jordan yelper. Each style has its own tone and pitch characteristics. The barrels are made from different hardwoods and Metals. The mouthpieces are from Buffalo Horn, wing Bone, MAmmoth Ivory, hippo Ivory, Brass, Copper, Aluminum and Micarta
The J1
The J1 is my three piece Jordan style caller. It falls somewhere in between the t5 and t6 in tone and pitch. This call plays easily. It is great for those who prefer a straight 3 piece jordan style caller. This call placed 2nd in both the Jordan and the open Air operated call at the 2017 NWTF Grand National Call Competition. 5th in the Jordan Category in the 2016 NWTF Grand National call competition in the hunting division. It also placed 1st and won best in class Air operated calls 2016 Midwest NWTF Call Maker Competition in the hunting division.
Aluminum Tube Case
Aluminum protective case to hold the trumpet or yelper when not on the hunt. Available with the purchase of a call. screw top cases 70$ aluminum $90 bottomland or colored $125 turned hardwood caps and aluminum
Braided Leather Lanyard
I have braided leather lanyards available. these braided lanyards work well for using one or multiple yelpers during the hunt. multiple drops can be tied to either lanyard. lanyards are 40$

Call price includes micarta mouthpiece, brass ferrulle and parachord lanyard
Add $40 for camel bone and 175$ for Mammoth Ivory . When available.
Copper, Brass and Aluminum mouthpieces available for $100
Lock Up Lipstop (on metal mouthpieces) $60
Copper, Bronze or Aluminum Ferrulle $25
Damascus Ferrulle $125
Leather lanyard $40 with the purchase of a call and $50 alone
Aluminum case brushed with screw cap $80
Aluminum case colored, or bottomland with screw cap $100
Aluminum case brushed with turned hardwood caps $140
Mammoth and Hippo Ivory can be shippend everywhere except CA,NJ and NY

Aluminum Tube Case
Aluminum protective case with turned hardwood end caps and velour sheath to hold the trumpet or yelper when not on the hunt. my premium calls come with this case or can be added to any call for an additional 40$
The XT Trumpet
The XT Trumpet won the 2020 Tom Turpin award at the NWTF Grand National Callmakers competition. It has taken countless gobblers all across the country. It is easy to draw and makes the calls of a mature hen turkey. This call requires the least amount of air to operate of all the calls I make and is recommended for the beginner and seasoned trumpet player alike.
The T5
The T5 is the short trumpet. It produces yelps, cuts and clucks of a young hen turkey. Tone and pitch are sharper and higher with this caller. With a Quicker Roll over.
The T6
The T6 . It has taken countless Gobblers from Maine to California and from Washington state to South florida. it is my original trumpet design. It produces yelps, cuts and clucks of a mature hen turkey. It is easy to draw. This call took 1st place in the open air operated class and 3rd and 5th in the turned trumpet call at the 2017 NWTF Grand National Call Competition. Hunting class, 1st place and best in class with this call at the 2016 NWTF Southeastern Call Competition. In the Hunting Class. And 1st Place at the 2016 Keystone Classic Call Competition in Pennsylvania.

Decorative Damascus and metal ferrules
.Damascus Ferrule .999 silver decorative silver ferrule. Copper, Bronze, Aluminum
Inquire about Accent peices on the call like below.

Lock Up Lip Stop
The Lock up Lip Stop (Patent Pending). is a threaded lip stop with a jamb nut. When locked into place will not slip out of adjustment or fall off during transport or during the hunt. Can be made into any metal mouthpiece.

Heavy metal Calls
.Solid Metal Calls Hand turned from solid metal billets and rounds. Made from Metals such as Damascus Steel, Copper, Brass, Mokume, Aluminum, and Bronze. These calls Take Dozens of hours to complete. But Make an amazing work of turkey calling art..

AGE Trumpets
Trumpet price list
Click here to see example pics of the different woods
$200 J1 3 piece yelpers
Osage Bocote
$240 with micarta mouthpiece
Osage Bocote
$260 with micarta mouthpiece
African Blackwood Macassar Ebony
Cocobolo Honduran Rosewood
Olivewood Kingwood
$300 with micarta mouthpiece
Desert Iron Wood Black and White Ebony
Lignum Vitae
$350 with micarta mouthpiece
Desert Ironwood Burl
$400 with micarta mouthpiece
Cocuswood (When Available)
"Alloy Assassin" Aluminum Trumpet
$380 Brushed finish standard lip stop
add $60 for Cerakote
add $60 for Lock Up lipstop
Heavy Metal calls
Copper, Brass, Damascus, Mokume, and Bronze
****Prices are subject to change depending on wood availabiliy and price****.

The Alloy Assassin
The alloy assassin is made from solid aluminum and can be configured in any model XT, T5, T6 or J1. It makes a true forever trumpet that will outlast most other materials. I see it as a weapon similar to your shotgun that can be handed down for generations. I find the aluminum to be one of the best for sound out of all the metals. And the weight is similar to a wooden trumpet. Can be made with Brass or aluminum mouthpiece. with or without lockup lipstop. It can be left with a brushed finish or cerakote finish.